Thursday, April 12, 2007

Yahoo helped Chinese to prosecute journalist

Dude...this sucks.

But I must say...perhaps it wasn't so wise of the journalist, Shi Tao, to post through Yahoo. Well, to post anything on the Internet, at least. Especially because he was and is living in China as he criticizes it. I know a few missionaries in China right now who are extremely careful about even the words they post. They refrain from posting any words with religious connotations, and are very roundabout in their explanations about the work they are doing, if ever they do mention it at all.

Aside from that, Yahoo could have been more careful. But maybe it was included in the user agreement somewhere, that all their information could be forfeited to the government. Ugh. I know this is slightly old news, but it still saddens me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude that really sucks.
China does crack down on all forms of dissent and is very active in monitoring internet traffic.