Saturday, June 2, 2007

Assisted Suicides

Kevorkian Speaks After His Release From Prison

I must admit, I admire the man for his persistence, even after eight years of imprisonment. At the same time, it's just a little unnerving once I take into consideration what it is he's being persistent about.

Assisted suicides? It's almost like putting dogs to sleep. Is that what we have been reduced to? God made us the way we are for a reason--we actually are on a different level than mere animals, contrary to what people may want to believe. Though I don't understand why they would want to equate themselves to the likes of animals in the first place...

The guy may be a little extreme, but at least he has a passion for something. And he cares about the government that guides the country--even if he cares about it in a negative light. Too many people stumble through their lives, clueless as to what it is the government is doing to alter their very lives. So many people today lack passion; they have no motivation, no direction, no desire to do anything anymore. It seems that people like to settle for the mediocre, the lukewarm, the comfortable.

If only people like Kevorkian were passionate about the right things...if only.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

See my take on Kevorkian's release at