Friday, May 18, 2007

Soldiers in Iraq

This entry isn't very politically loaded...not that any of my entries are, really.

I was just reading up on Iraq, and I must say--I miss my buddies.

I have a couple of friends over there right now...and I do miss them dearly. They keep us, their friends and family, posted by means of their personal blogs and what not, and to tell you the truth, I can't tell whether it's more comforting or stressful. They post entries about mortar attacks, about how they thought they were going to die, about how their friends almost died, about how they almost killed someone. But they're still alive and well-relatively speaking.

I really should write still just doesn't seem real to me. I know you guys probably won't see this, but really--I really do miss you immensely. I know I promised I'd write, but I've yet to follow through with that promise. I'm sorry for being such a horrible friend; I'm sorry I haven't made more of an effort. I think it's just easier to push the thought to the back of my head, to convince myself that you're not out there risking your lives on a daily basis, for a war I'm totally confused about. safe. Please. My personal count is already up to four--I don't want that to go up any time soon.

I'm praying for you.

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